Abbreviation | Definition |
RAAI | Ross Archive of African Images |
RAAN | Reformed African American Network |
RAC | Royal African Company |
RACCLI | Royal African Colonial Corps of Light Infantry |
RADP | Ringier Africa Digital Publishing |
RAF | Regional Office for Africa |
RAI | Royal Anthropological Institute |
RAME | Region of Africa and Middle East |
RANA | Rescue Animals of North Africa |
RAO | Recent African Origins |
RAS | Real African Seed |
RASTA | Rightous African Standing Tall Alone |
RCBP | Rural Capacity Building Project (EIAR) |
RCSA | Reformed Churches in South Africa |
RCSA | Resuscitation Councils of Southern Africa |
RDP | Reconstruction and Development Programme |
REBOSA | Real Estate Business Owners of South Africa |
RENAMO | REsistencia NAcional de MOzambique |
RESA | Reach Every Southern African |
REWA | Raising Education Within Africa |