Abbreviation Definition
BNSGBiological and Nanoscale Systems Group
BOBBlue Orchard Bee
BODBiological Oxidation Demand
BODBiological Oxidation Demandbiological
BODBiological Oxygen Depletion
BOELBiological Occupational Exposure Limits
BOIPBiology Outreach and Inclusion Program
BOLOBiology Online Learning Opportunities
BORBiology of Reproduction
BPBBiological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
BPCPBiological Product Compliance Program
BPDFBiological Process Development Facility
BPDRBiological Product Deviation Report
BPDRBiological Product Deviation Reporting
BPHSBiological and Population Health Sciences
BPNBiological Psychology and Neuropsychology
BPPHBenthic Primary Producer Habitats
BPPMBioorthogonal Profiling of Protein Methylation
BPRPBiological Personnel Reliability Program
BPSIBiological Physical Sciences Institute

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