
Says me!

 and Sez me!
Inf. a formulaic answer to Says who? Tom: Says who? Fred: Says me, that's who! Tom: You? Fred: You got it, buster. Says me!
See also: Say

Says who?

 and Sez who?
Inf. a formulaic challenge indicating disagreement with someone who has said something. Tom: Says who? Fred: Says me, that's who! She drew herself up to her full height, looked him straight in the eye, and said, "Says who?"
See also: Say

Says me!

and Sez me!
exclam. a formulaic answer to Says who? TOM: Says who? FRED: Says me, that’s who! TOM: You? FRED: You got it, buster. Says me!
See also: Say

Sez me!

See also: Sez

Says who?

and Sez who?
interrog. a formulaic challenge indicating disagreement with someone who has said something. (see also Says you!.) TOM: Says who? FRED: Says me, that’s who! She drew herself up to her full height, looked him straight in the eye, and said, “Says who?”
See also: Say

Sez who?

See also: Sez

Common Names:

LidiaLEED-yah (Polish), LEE-dyah (Italian), LEE-dhyah (Spanish)Polish, Italian, Spanish, Romanian
Iseulti-SOOLT (English), i-ZOOLT (English), EE-səlt (English)Arthurian Romance