boil over

boil over

[for a liquid] to overflow while being boiled. (See also boil over (with something).) The sauce boiled over and dripped onto the stove. Don't let the stew boil over!
See also: boil

boil over (with something)

Fig. [for someone] to erupt in great anger. The boss boiled over with anger. Things got out of hand and the crowd's passions boiled over.
See also: boil

boil over

to become uncontrollable Anger boiled over when the police ordered the protesters to leave.
Etymology: based on the idea of liquid in a pan being heated until it boils over the side of the pot
See also: boil

boil over

Erupt in anger, excitement, or other strong emotion. For example, The mere mention of a tax increase will make Kevin boil over. This phrase alludes to overflowing while boiling. [Second half of 1800s]
See also: boil

boil over

1. To rise and flow over the sides of a container while boiling. Used of a liquid: I turned up the heat too high and the soup boiled over.
2. To erupt in violent anger: When I realized I had been robbed, I boiled over and started yelling.
See also: boil

Common Names:

Priscillapri-SIL-ə (English), pree-SHEEL-lah (Italian)English, French, Italian, Ancient Roman, Biblical Latin, Biblical
Laurence (2)lo-RAWNSFrench
JijeeKorean (Rare)