brush up

brush something up

to improve one's knowledge of something or one's ability to do something. (See also brush up (on something).) I need to brush my French up a little bit. I need to brush up my French.
See also: brush, up

brush up (on something)

to improve one's knowledge of something or one's ability to do something. I need to brush up on my German. My German is weak. I had better brush up.
See also: brush, up

brush up (on something)

to study again something you learned before Brushing up on computer skills can be important for any worker thinking about getting a new job.
See also: brush, up

brush up

1. Clean, refurbish, as in We plan to get the house brushed up in time for the party. [c. 1600]
2. Also, brush up on. Review, refresh one's memory, as in Nell brushed up on her Spanish before going to Honduras, or I'm brushing up my knowledge of town history before I speak at the club. [Late 1700s]
See also: brush, up

brush up

1. To collect or dispose of something by a using a brush: I brushed up the crumbs from the table. The kids brushed the leaves up into a pile and played in it.
2. To refresh something or improve its quality or appearance, especially superficially or modestly: You could brush up your resume with a few style changes. I haven't spoken Italian in many years, but if I brushed it up a little, I think I could speak very well.
3. brush up on To refresh or improve one's facility with something: I brushed up on my Spanish by reading newspapers from Mexico.
See also: brush, up

Common Names:

Neela-Tamil, Indian, Hindi
Eduardoe-DHWAHR-do (Spanish)Spanish, Portuguese