
comment back

A common comment on popular social media posts that informs others that the commenter will like the first picture on someone's page if they like the first picture on the commenter's page. Often abbreviated as "CB." Every since I started writing "comment back" on famous people's posts, my Instagram pictures have been getting way more comments!
See also: back, comment

address comments or remarks to someone

to say something directly to a specific person or group of persons. (See also address oneself to someone; address oneself to something.) George addressed his remarks to everyone.
See also: address, comment, remark

comment about someone or something

 and comment (up)on someone or something
to make a remark about someone or something. There is no need to comment upon this event. Please don't comment on Liz's problems.
See also: comment

No comment.

I have nothing to say on this matter. Q: When did you stop beating your dog? A: No comment. Q: Georgie, did you chop down the cherry tree? A: No comment.
See also: comment

Common Names:

Chlodovech-Ancient Germanic
Oliviaə-LIV-ee-ə (English), o-LEE-vyah (Italian, Spanish), o-LEE-vee-ah (German), O-lee-vee-ah (Finnish)English, Italian, Spanish, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
MilanMEE-lahn (Czech)Czech, Slovak, Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Dutch