now and then

(every) now and then

 and (every) now and again; (every) once in a while
occasionally; infrequently. We eat lamb every now and then. We eat pork now and then. I read a novel every now and again.
See also: and, now

now and then

sometimes; occasionally. (See also (every) now and then.) I like to go to a movie now and then. We visit my parents now and then, but we rarely see our other relatives.
See also: and, now

(every) now and then

also (every) now and again
sometimes We still meet for lunch now and then, but not as often as we used to. Every now and then I'll take the kids to the playground.
Related vocabulary: every so often
See also: and, now

Common Names:

HelmaHEL-mahGerman, Dutch
Menahem-Biblical, Hebrew
Tova (1)-Hebrew
Gayathri-Tamil, Indian, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu