sow wild oats

sow one's wild oats

to do wild and foolish things in one's youth. (often assumed to have some sort of sexual meaning.) Jack was out sowing his wild oats last night, and he's in jail this morning. Mrs. smith told Mr. smith that he was too old to be sowing his wild oats.
See also: oat, sow, wild

sow your wild oats

if a young man sows his wild oats, he has a period of his life when he does a lot of exciting things and has a lot of sexual relationships He'd spent his twenties sowing his wild oats but felt that it was time to settle down.
See You reap what you sow
See also: oat, sow, wild

Common Names:

BristolBRIS-təlEnglish (Rare)
Ya'rah-Biblical Hebrew