Abbreviation Definition
CBCCComputational Biology Consulting Core
CBCDCenter of Biological Cultural Diversity
CBCLCenter for Biological and Computational Learning
CBCLCenter for Biological Computational Learning
CBCLComputational Biology and Computational Learning
CBDCenter for Biological Diversity
CBDPChemical Biological Defense Partnership
CBDSCenter for Biological Data Science
CBEPCooperative Biological Engagement Program
CBFSCenter for Biological Field Studies
CBFSCornell Biological Field Station
CBGCancer Biology and Genetics
CBGComputational Biology Group
CBIChemistry Biology Interface
CBIConservation Biology Institute
CBIACChemical and Biological Information Analysis Center
CBIBCenter For Bioinformatics And Integrative Biology
CBIDCenter for Biologically Inspired Design
CBIDChemical Biology of Infectious Diseases
CBIDChemistry Biology Interface Division

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