Abbreviation | Definition |
501C3 | A charitable organization's designation that makes them tax deductible; The section of the IRC |
AAI | ActionAid International |
AAKH | Aik Allah Kaafi Hay (Pakistan) |
AAOV | Action Aid Of Vietnam |
ACNC | Australian Charities and NFPs Commission |
ACTT | Avila Charity Tennis Tournament |
ADCF | Apple Daily Charitable Foundation |
ADfam | Alchol,Drugs,family |
ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency |
AED | Aide à l'Eglise en Détresse |
AFCG | Arlington Fire Charitable Group |
AIAC | Associated Italian American Charities |
AICL | Amnesty International Charity Limited |
ALCF | Alex Lowe Charitable Foundation |
ALCF | Armenian Lighthouse Charitable Foundation |
ALCH | American Legion Children's Home |
ALS | Aboriginal Legal Services |
ALSAC | American Lebanese and Syrian Associated Charities |
AMC | Andy Murray Charitable |
AMCT | Al-Mizan Charitable Trust |