Abbreviation Definition
S3&KSonic 3 Knuckles (Sonic 3 and Sonic Knuckles combination)
S3&KSonic 3 & Knuckles (Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles combination)
SASuper Armor
SAATSan Andreas Audio Toolkit
SABSuper Armor Break
SAGENSocial Anime Gaming Entertainment Network
SALISIMS Access LAN Interface
SAMPSan Andreas Multiplayer
SAPSlight Atari Player
SAQSpeed, Agility, Quickness
SARESpam Assassin Rules Emporium
SARPBCSupersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
SATSurvive and Thrive
SBBMSuper Bounce Ball Maze
SBGServer Based Gaming
SBGSoulless Brigade Gaming
SBGStay Bizzy Gaming
SBGSServer Based Gaming Systems
SBLJSide Backwards Long Jump
SBTWStreamer By The Way

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