

1. n. a wild time at a party; a good time. We really had a ball. See ya!
2. n. a testicle. (see also balls.) The teacher preferred “testicles” to “balls,” if they had to be mentioned at all.
3. in. to enjoy oneself. (Ambiguous with the next sense.) The whole crowd was balling and having a fine time.
4. in. to depart; to leave. It’s late. Let’s ball.
5. tv. & in. to copulate [with] someone. (Usually objectionable.) Isn’t there anything more to you than balling?
6. in. to play a ball game. (Probably a deliberate pun on sense 5) Bob’s out balling with the guys.

Common Names:

Eda (1)-Turkish
A&Eth;Alsteinn-Icelandic, Ancient Scandinavian
Soroush-Persian Mythology, Persian
Arnborg-Swedish (Rare)
TilTILDutch, Limburgish