Abbreviation Definition
LACHLand Atmosphere Coupling Hotspot
LAFELand Atmosphere Feedback Experiment
LAICELower Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling Experiment
LAICELower Atmospheric Ionospheric Coupling Experiment
LEALongitudinally Excited Atmosphere
LOAMLamont Ocean Atmosphere Model
MAACMars Atmospheric Acquisition and Compression
MAHPModified atmosphere and humidity packaging
MAMSMultispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor
MAVEMars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution
MAVENMars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution and
MAVENMars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution in November
MAVISMassive Atmospheric Volume Instrumentation System
MIMAModel of an Idealized Moist Atmosphere
MODISMODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
NAIRASNowcast of Atmosphere Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety
NATASHANew Alternative Toward A Secure Home Atmosphere
NDACCNetwork for Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
NOANational Oceanic and Atmospheric
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric

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